Business Competence Center Mobility
Together with you, we design the processes and systems that are necessary so that you can procure the necessary parts in the required quality at the right time and thus ensure that your products are ready for series production, both at the start of production (SOP) and during operation - during the "operational life cycle". Our experience focuses in particular on the series development of products.
Every delay in the development, verification and validation of your product is critical for your company. With us, your products get on the road on time and so-called risk approvals are no longer necessary, you no longer have to use the word "assurance". However, if you wish, we can also support you with your familiar processes and practices.
Do you have questions?
Our core competencies
The Future of Mobility
The future of mobility and its impact on
technological progress in various industries
is one of msg Plaut's focus topics.
We are looking at the impact of the powerful quartet of technology trends, ACES (Autonomous Driving, Connectivity, Electrification and Shared Mobility), particularly on the automotive, public sector, insurance and banking industries, which face major challenges from advances in autonomous driving, connectivity, electrification and shared mobility.
Prepare for the mobility of the future now - we will be happy to support you.
Continuing education and certifications
We deliver added value through ongoing training in research projects and through staff certification; for example, many of our specialists have certificates for ISO 26262, ISO 21434 and the 270xy series of standards, in addition to their social competence.
We are happy to support you with our systematic approach throughout the entire product life cycle. We also offer assistance in critical project phases and in the event of capacity bottlenecks. No matter how you commission us - trust is one of the cornerstones of our cooperation.
We take away your worries: Through our extremely flexible design of the cooperation, we take over work packages completely or partially, provide support on site and/or remotely and adapt the scope of support to your requirements.
Accelerating cybersecurity: Safeguarding the future of automotive tech
Recordings of our Mobility Webcasts (German)

Automotive Cyber-Security

Automotive Cyber-Security
- Standards and regulations
- Automotive product life cycle with focus on cyber security & updates
- Development Life-Cycle with focus on Cyber-Security
- TARA: Risk graph & further explanations
- Cyber-Security layer model
- Cyber-Security-Assurance Level (CAL) & Tool-Support

Autonomous driving -
an introduction

Autonomous driving -
an introduction
- Goals of automation & legal framework
- 6 levels of automation
- Current developments
- Use cases and legal framework
- Selected components of an automated vehicle
- Challenges: Cyber security, functional safety, human-machine interaction, ...
- Future of automation: autonomous driving
- Innovation as a driver for economic growth

Securing competitive advantages with systematic methods

Securing competitive advantages with systematic methods
Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) is increasingly becoming a real competitive advantage for mastering the complex challenges of industry. The novel concept not only helps to master product complexity, but also the complexity of the development process.
- Your advantages & benefits through Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE)
- Differences between Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) and Document Based Systems Engineering (DBSE)
- Model Based Systems Engineering using SysML as an example
- Application example from practice, directly in the system